“SPACE BOY AND HIS DOG,” by Dian Curtis Regan and Robert Neubecker, Boyds Mills Press, April 7, 2015, Hardcover, $16.95 (ages 3-7)
Niko lives on the Planet Home. He is the captain of his own spaceship, which he built himself. After each adventure, he returns to Earth and lands his ship in his mom and dad’s backyard on Planet Earth.
Niko is ready for his next mission — one that includes his robot, Radar, and his dog, Tag, but under no circumstances is his sister, Posh, invited. Posh is always trying to become part of the story, but Niko will have none of it, until he must. When Niko flies to the moon in search of a lost cat, he finds Posh is the key to him becoming a space hero.
“Space Boy and His Dog” is the first in a planned three book series, and one can see why. “Space Boy and His Dog” takes a light-hearted look at sibling rivalry. Full-page illustrations combined with paneled sequences give the story a comic-book feel. And the concise text guides readers while still giving way to imagination.