SIGHT: GLIMMER, GLOW, SPARK, FLASH!, by Romana Romanyshyn and Andriy Lesiv, Chronicle Books; Illustrated edition, July 13, 2021, Hardcover, $19.99 (ages 8-12)
Sight: Glimmer, Glow, Spark, Flash! by Romana Romanyshyn and Andriy Lesiv explores the science behind one of the five senses.
From how the eye sees and how it interprets color to visual aids and optical illusions to blindness and beauty, Sight: Glimmer, Glow, Spark, Flash! explores all aspects of sight. Each spread is treated almost like an infographic, with large, bright images and smaller, punchy text.
From the moment she saw Sight: Glimmer, Glow, Spark, Flash! my 7-year-old had to have it. The bright, bold colors on the cover and the word sight incorporated into an eye, immediately grabbed her attention. Once she had the book in her hands, she spent a good 30 minutes with it. Her favorite parts include the eye chart (which has prompted us to schedule an eye doctor appointment), the color chart, and pages on blindness and braille (we’re learning about Hellen Keller right now).
There’s a natural flow to the book that moves readers from topic to topic with ease. The text is informative and to the point, but is probably suited better to an 8-year-old than my 7-year-old. That goes for the font size as well. The smaller size could be hard for certain readers.
Sight: Glimmer, Glow, Spark, Flash! is a really cool book. Eye-catching illustrations and unique layout make it a fun read for kids and adults.