“PIRATE VS. PIRATE: The Terrific Tale of a Big, Blustery Maritime Match,” by Mary Quattlebaum and Alexandra Boiger, Hyperion Book CH, March 22, 2011, $16.99 (ages 4-8)
Pirates are certainly en vogue right now, especially with the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie coming out on May 20.
But if the latest swashbuckling movie is a bit too mature for your little landlubber never fear, “Pirate vs. Pirate: The Terrific Tale of a Big, Blustery Maritime Match,” by Mary Quattlebaum and Alexandra Boiger, offers plenty of adventure on a more kid-friendly level.
Bad Bart be “the biggest, burliest” boy pirate in the Atlantic, and Mean Mo be the “maddest, mightiest” girl pirate in the Pacific — at least they think so. To make sure, though, they set sail to find out. And of course, the world being round, they meet in the middle.
When Mean Mo questions Bad Bart’s authority it sets off a contest of insults that turns into a test of who is the best — or um worst — pirate.
They test who is brave enough to swim with sharks, who can throw a cannonball, who can climb the mast, who can eat the most hard tack and even who has collected the most treasure. It’s no contest, though — it’s a tie from beginning to end.
As Bad Bart and Mean Mo stare each other down and ending up falling in love and the only thing left to do is tie the knot.
“Pirate vs. Pirate” is a boisterous jaunt that young readers will love. The text is full of seadog lingo that will get the whole family saying Arrgh! Accompanying illustrations are action-packed, with dynamic movement on every page. ”