IS IT REAL? THE LOCH NESS MONSTER, by Candace Fleming, Scholastic Focus, March 4, 2025, Paperback, $8.99 (ages 8-12)
Investigate one of the world’s great mysteries in Is it Real? The Lock Ness Monster, by Candace Fleming.
Nestled in the lush green hills of the Scotland Highlands lies Loch Ness, a deep, murky lake with a storied history. It is also the home of the Loch Ness Monster. Numerous stories and photographs by people claiming to have spotted the mysterious monster have surfaced, often gaining immediate fame. But after decades of countless expeditions, documentaries, firsthand accounts, pictures, and videos, the mystery of Nessie continues to haunt us.
Now, Sibert Award-winning author Candace Fleming invites you to become a detective and to join the race to uncover the truth. You’ll learn how real-life detectives and scientists conduct their investigations to solve the greatest mysteries as the principles of the Scientific Method and more tools for boosting critical thinking and analysis are introduced. You will consider the evidence, see if you can tell the difference between fact and fiction, and maybe you can answer this age-old question about the Loch Ness monster: Is it real? —Synopsis provided by Scholastic Press
Is It Real? The Loch Ness Monster asks readers to put on their detective hats and help solve the mystery surrounding Nessie. This approximately 120-page book is divided into 26 short chapters and features illustrations and photographs connected to the case. Author Candace Fleming’s text is full of energy and excitement, making this book a great option for middle readers of all abilities.
Is It Real? The Loch Ness Monster is a real-world mystery that’s been in play since at least the 1850s. It’s sure to appeal to a large cross-section of readers.
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