“RAZZLE-DAZZLE RUBY,” by Masha D’yans, Scholastic Press, Oct. 1, 2011, $17.99 (ages 4 and up)
Ruby wakes up to a sparkling world of snow. With her dog, Rocket, Ruby ventures out into a winter wonderland where she becomes a queen and Rocket, her knight in barking armor. Every fairy tale needs a villain, and in this case, that’s a snowman. As Ruby is skating on a shimmering pond, nobleman Sir Zac makes an appearance. The two slide on a sled and create snow angels. But soon it’s time for the queen to return to her castle where she must rest up for her next day’s adventure.
Masha D’yans captures a child’s exuberance as she romps through the snow. Imagination is the name of the game as everyday activities become a Ruby-sized fairy tale.
Watercolor illustrations are enhanced by paper engineering. Pages become interactive spreads that sparkle, spin, pop and twirl. Children will love manipulating the images, however, the stiffness of some of the interactive elements may be hard for little fingers to manage. “Razzle-Dazzle Ruby” is a charming picture book that children will enjoy time and time again.