“You Are My Wonders,” by Maryann Cusimano Love and Satomi Ichikawa, Philomel Books, July 5, 2012, Hardcover, $16.99 (ages 3 and up)
Being the last week of August, many children have already started back to school. Youngsters just starting or about to start preschool may be a bit apprehensive heading into a new experience, but “You Are My Wonders” may be a way to help calm their fears.
Teacher welcomes her students to school. She rings the school bell and leads music time. Students show and tell and make art from blank paper. There is story time and silliness. Students play games and plant seeds, and at then end of the day, excitedly hurry home.
“You Are My Wonders” is a gentle nudge into the world of learning. Maryann Cusimano Love’s text is loving, yet simple: “I am your calm; you are my thunder. I am your wisdom; you are my wonders.” It has a calming affect as the mysteries of school unfold. Satomi Ichikawa’s artwork is at once welcoming and familiar. Much the same as playtime around the world, stuffed animals are the stand ins for children, and much silliness ensues.
Maryann offers a number of activities related to this book on her website.