The King’s English wants to know, “What Leaves You Breathless?”
In February, authors Ally Condie (“Matched”), Andrea Cremer (“Nightshade”), Kirsten Miller (“The Eternal Ones”), Beth Revis (“Across the Universe”) and Brenna Yovanoff (“The Replacement”) came to Salt Lake City for Penguin’s Breathless Reads Tour.
The afternoon was co-sponsored by the King’s English, Salt Lake Community College Community Writing Center and the Salt Lake City Library.
I was lucky to be asked to moderate their panel discussion during the book signing. I got to chat with these amazing women prior to the event. It was Ally’s hometown event, and after interviewing her over the phone a number of times, it was great to finally meet her in person!
I was a total dork and spoke over Andrea while she was explaining where the idea for her book came from, but no one was there to hear me speak, so I don’t think they minded, too much.
More than 200 fans showed up to meet the authors, and they were treated to a fun 45-minute Q&A session. Some of the highlights included writing rituals (Kirsten has to have complete silence), naming characters (Beth likes to kill off characters named after students she doesn’t like) and how the authors came up with titles.
The event was fantastic. If you’ve never been to a signing, you definitely should go. And if you haven’t read all of these books, it’s time to put them on your must-read list.