“DINOSOARING” by Deb Lund, Illustrated by Howard Fine, Harcourt Children’s Books, June 2012, Hardcover, $16.99 (ages 4 & up)
Soaring to new heights, a dinosaur team explores new adventures!
A fun, laughable story of the dinosaurs working to get off the ground and into flight! Onboard an airplane, they blow, flap, and run to get themselves off the ground. Once soaring, it seems as if dreams come true when they dinodance and zip and zoom. Until they take a dinospin, the team enjoys their journey in the sky.
“Dinosoaring” is a delightful rhyming and word-playing story. My son and I have had a wonderful time reading this book over and over. With colorful images filled with emotion, you can grasp an understanding of what each member of the dino-team is feeling as they fly through the sky — joy for the adventure!