Nanea Mitchell’s story focuses on the Pearl Harbor attack and the impact it had on those living in Hawaii. She’s American Girl’s newest BeForever character.
Browsing: ages 8 & up
Any book that makes you think beyond it is good, and Jennifer Maschari’s latest middle-grade novel, Things That Surprise You, is excellent.
Alan Gratz’s Ban This Book is an excellent read that will probably end up on the banned book list because it questions the reasoning behind banning them.
I’ve never been a fan of soccer. So when I received Ten: A Soccer Story, by Shamini Flint, I opened it with some trepidation. I was pleasantly surprised.
David Neilsen’s middle-grade novel Beyond the Doors is Roald Dahl-esque with a Lemony Snicket snarkiness mixed in for good measure.
Lauren DeStefano’s The Girl with the Ghost Machine is a ghost story that makes you think and makes you grateful for even the smallest of moments.
Stealing Our Way Home, by Cecilia Galante, is a strong middle-grade novel that deals with the loss of a parent and finding a way back to a new normal.
Ryan K. Sager’s The World’s Greatest Chocolate-Covered Pork Chops is a delicious choice for young fans of shows like MasterChef Junior.
Fiction author/agent Ammi-Joan Paquette turned to client Laurie Ann Thompson to help her create a book about crazy-but-true stories — Two Truths and a Lie.
Laurel Snyder’s Orphan Island is a quiet book and yet there’s a magic to it that’s unparalleled. This thoughtful story of self-discovery is worth reading.