A girl is desperate to show the world her star quality in Shiny Misfits, a new middle-grade graphic novel by Maysoon Zayid and Shadia Amin.
Browsing: ages 8 & up
A girl stands up for her affordable housing community in Sunny Parker is Here to Stay, a middle-grade novel by Margaret Finnegan.
A girl tries to untangle her love of baseball from her complicated relationship with her professional pitcher father Painting the Game, by Patricia MacLachlan
A girl sets out to help a pair of endangered birds about to lay eggs in The Secret Language of Birds, by Lynne Kelly.
Two friends utilize fairy tale knowledge as they search for the cause of a mysterious illness in Sleeping Spells and Dragon Scales, by Wendy S. Swore.
A girl tries to make sense of her changing neighborhood through observation and sketching in Meet Me on Mercer Street, a graphic novel by Booki Vivat.
A biracial girl struggles to find where she fits in in Continental Drifter, a contemporary middle-grade graphic novel by Kathy MacLeod.
A boy struggles to fit in after a move across the country in Timid, a semiautobiographical middle-grade graphic novel by Jonathan Todd.
A boy whose family is always on the go dreams of putting down roots in Trouble at the Tangerine, a middle-grade novel by Gillian McDunn.
Three friends team up to find a hidden treasure in an abandoned 1950s funhouse in The Mystery of Locked Rooms, by Lindsay Currie.