Amil and the After, by Veera Hiranandani, explores life after the partition of India through the eyes of a boy who was forced to leave Pakistan for India.
Browsing: ages 8 & up
Discover the history of airborne adventures — from birds to planes and everything in between — in Sky High: A Soaring History of Aviation, by Jacek Ambrozewski.
A young filmmaker’s eyes are opened to racial injustice following a senseless act of violence in The Reckoning, by Wade Hudson.
A young adventurer sets out to solve a secret society’s clues in Graysen Foxx and the Curse of the Illuminerdy, by J. Scott Savage.
A girl and her diabetic alert dog face must work together when they’re stranded in the wilderness in Backcountry, by Jenny Goebel.
Five young thieves are tasked with breaking a prisoner out of an impenetrable fortress in Champions of the Fox, the final book in Kevin Sands’ Thieves of Shadow trilogy.
A girl sets out to get her family’s dog back and gains a friend and new understanding in the process in Lolo Weaver Swims Upstream, by Polly Farquhar.
Sibling rivalry comes to a head when sisters cross blades in a fencing match in Duel, a graphic novel by Jessixa and Aaron Bagley.
Two girls team up to save endangered leatherback turtles in Turtles of the Midnight Moon, a middle-grade novel by María José Fitzgerald.
Three girls create the ultimate hair-braiding business in The Braid Girls, a middle-grade contemporary novel by Sherri Winston.