A girl thinks her dreams have come true when her family moves out of their van and into a house in Unsinkable Cayenne, by Jessica Vitalis.
Browsing: Middle Grade
A “troubled” student gets one last chance to turn things around in The Last Hope School for Magical Delinquents, by Nicki Pau Preto.
A girl must deal with the aftermath of her brother’s kidnapping in The Shape of Lost Things, a middle-grade novel by Sarah Everett.
Witness the rise of Hitler’s Germany through the eyes of a twelve-year-old boy in Rise of the Spider, the first book in a new series by Michael P. Spradlin.
Exiled to an uninhabitable planet, a girl discovers her government has been lying for centuries in Ashgarden, the final book in Michelle A. Barry’s Plotting the Stars series.
A deaf girl searches for her voice and discovers the true meaning of family along the way in Deer Run Home, by Ann Clare LeZotte.
Your Vote Matters, by Rebecca Katzman and Ellen Duda, walks readers through all the ins and outs of voting in America.
Learn about the men who have led America in Speaking of America: United States Presidents and the Words that Changed History, by Jared Cohen and Vivan Shih.
The Adventurer’s Guide to Dragonwatch, by Brandon Mull and Brandon Dorman, takes fans of the series deep inside the world they’ve come to love.
A girl sets out to save her friends, and maybe find a home for herself in the process, in Sylvia Doe and the 100-Year Flood, by Robert Beatty.