An orphan finds herself on the wrong side the land’s top wizard in the middle-grade novel The Lock-Eater, by Zack Loran Clark.
Browsing: Middle Grade
A boy is forced to fend for himself along the Nordic coast in author Gary Paulsen’s final novel, Northwind.
A girl’s world gets turned upside down the summer her cousin comes to visit in Brenda Woods’ When Winter Robeson Came.
The Kid’s World Factbook is sort of like a paired down almanac. It’s a dense book that features black-and-white facts and maps.
Ask questions with Ada Twist in a new nonfiction early reader series, The Why Files: Exploring Flight, by Andrea Beaty & Dr. Theanne Griffith.
A young girl’s world is turned upside down when she finds a live boy inside the belly of a whale in Orphans of the Tide, by Struan Murray.
A 10-year-old makes a deal with God in exchange for the safe return of her dad from Iraq in Birdie’s Bargain, by Katherine Paterson.
Learn about the intricacies of the American Presidency through PJ and Jamie Creek’s We the People and the President.
Bake, Make and Learn to Cook, a new cookbook from GBBO 2019 winner David Atherton is geared specifically for kids ages 6-10.
A plucky young orphan takes center stage in Noel Straetfeild’s middle grade novel Thursday’s Child.