An unlikely pair discovers adventures are more fun when undertaken with a friend in An Adventure for Lia and Lion, by Al Rodin.
Browsing: ages 3 & up
The following picture books are great options for celebrating the season in a not-so-scary way.
Halloween is a holiday cherished by young and old. The following board books are gentle introductions to the spooky day.
The weather is cooling and the leaves are changing. What better way to celebrate autumn than with picture books?
A little girl sets out to find her lost cat and finds some other missing pets along the way in Lost, by Bob Staake.
This Is How We Play: A Celebration of Disability and Adaptation, by Jessica Slice, Caroline Cupp, Kayla Harren, focuses on inclusion.
When a girl’s mother leaves for the winter, the changing seasons bring hope that the things the girl loves most will return in the spring in The Seasons of Parastoo, by Rashin Kheiriyeh.
A young mouse tries to find her place in her community’s symphony of noises in The Day Bell Found Her Sound, by Kizzy O’Donnell.
Celebrate all the things that make libraries great in A Love Letter to My Library, written by Lisa Katzenberger and illustrated by Rob Sayegh Jr.
Social and emotional skills are some of the most important things a young child can learn. These books cover self-expression, self-belief, understanding moods, making friends, and learning to be brave.