Inspired by the Forest School movement, A Field Guide to Spring aims to teach kids how to play and learn in nature.
Browsing: picture books
Say goodnight to each construction vehicle as it completes its last task of the day in Hush, Little Dozer by Rebecca Colby.
The advent of war tests a very special relationship in The Secret Elephant: Inspired by a True Story of Friendship, by Ellan Rankin
Finding Grateful, written by Dianne White and illustrated by Faith Pray, encourages young readers to find gratitude in the smallest of moments.
What does nothing sound like? Learn about the offbeat history of John Cage’s 4’33,” a musical composition of blank bars, by Nicholas Day and Chris Raschka.
This year, Earth Day fall on April 22. The following books celebrate the climates, plants and creatures, that make our planet so special.
A young girl creates a seed bank after learning her favorite tree is about to go extinct in Saving Delicia: A Story about Small Seeds and Big Dreams, by Laura Gehl and Patricia Metola.
A little girl always seems like she’s got her head in the clouds, or does she? Find out in Daisy the Daydreamer, by Jennifer P. Goldfinger.
The following books feature basic concepts and fun art, and are great options for baby/toddler gifts or just for fun.
Poetry Comics, a new offering by Grant Snider, is a book that combines poetry and comics in a whole new way.