The following picture books are great options for celebrating the season in a not-so-scary way.
Browsing: seasonal
Halloween is a holiday cherished by young and old. The following board books are gentle introductions to the spooky day.
The weather is cooling and the leaves are changing. What better way to celebrate autumn than with picture books?
A newlywed discovers an orphan outside her door in Waiting for Christmas, a Gilded Age Christmas novella by Lynn Austin.
A girl discovers she’s not the only one at her new school who can see ghosts in The Secret Dead Club, by Karen Strong.
The Brothers Grimm’s Godfather Death, is reimagined by writer Sally Nicholls and artist Júlia Sardà in a fantastic new picture book.
The following picture books celebrate our world and beyond and how we interact with it. Each book is an excellent read and features eye-catching artwork.
A Family of Trees, by Peggy Thomas and illustrated by Cookie Moon, introduces little ones to forest families.
Inspired by the Forest School movement, A Field Guide to Spring aims to teach kids how to play and learn in nature.
This year, Earth Day fall on April 22. The following books celebrate the climates, plants and creatures, that make our planet so special.