Browsing: young adult

There’s lots of exciting things going on in the middle-reader, YA worlds. Below are some links to some of what’s…

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The King’s English wants to know, “What Leaves You Breathless?” In February, authors Ally Condie (“Matched”), Andrea Cremer (“Nightshade”), Kirsten…

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In December 2009, author Ally Condie signed a three-book deal with Dutton Children’s Books, an imprint of Penguin Young Readers Group. Here’s some highlights from my discussion with her leading up to the release of her first book in the trilogy, “Matched.”

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Robin McKinley’s “Pegasus” is a fantasy primer. New worlds and creatures are introduced, as is a new language. McKinley gently introduces readers into her magical world, making the unknown real and the impossible plausible.

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“YOU ARE NOT HERE,” by Samantha Schutz, Push, $17.99 (young adult) Annaleah and Brian share something special. Sure, their friendship…

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