Alyssa Sheinmel’s The Castle School (for Troubled Girls) is a thoughtful look at mental illness, trauma and healing.
Browsing: YA review
After three contemporary Proper Romance novels, Julie Wright has moved to the regency period with A Captain for Caroline Gray.
A young woman is forced to hide her true self in Cambria Gordon’s young adult novel The Poetry of Secrets.
After a bone-chilling curse upends the world, one girl finds herself holding the keys to humanity’s survival in Katharyn Blair’s Unchosen.
Two lives are unexpectedly changed forever on the high seas in Arlem Hawks’ new romance novel, Georgana’s Secret.
Alexandra Bracken’s Lore follows the descendants of ancient bloodlines as they hunt down Greek gods forced to live as mortals.
A young woman sets out to save her brothers against all odds in Melanie Dickerson’s YA novel Court of Swans.
The Surprising Power of a Good Dumpling, by Wai Chim, is a fantastic look at the complexities of family and culture.
A case of mistaken identity turns out to be much, much more in Diana Ma’s new YA novel, Heiress Apparently.
Kiersten White’s (The Guinevere Deception) The Camelot Betrayal is the engrossing second book in her Camelot Rising trilogy.