A young woman trades places with her father in order to save him from a life imprisoned with a beast in Beauty Reborn, by Elizabeth Lowham.
Browsing: YA review
A girl won’t let life in a wheelchair dictate her dreams in Where You See Yourself, a contemporary young adult novel by Claire Forrest.
A queen’s secret twin fights to save their kingdom from an evil king in the second book in Abigail Owen’s Dominions series, The Stolen Throne.
Three young women set out to make the most of their debut into society in An Improbable Season, by Rosalyn Eves.
Snow White moves from fairy tale to 1600s Bavaria in Snow & Poison, a historical fantasy by Melissa de la Cruz.
A young woman finds herself in a battle to the death with a dragon in Damsel, a new fantasy novel by Evelyn Skye.
A teen seeks to save her brother and discover her destiny in the cursed ruins of Avalon in Alexandra Bracken’s Silver in the Bone.
A young woman seeks out retribution against a backstabbing former friend in Amalie Howard’s new YA novel, Queen Bee.
Two brothers cope with household violence in Saints of the Household, a contemporary YA novel by Ari Tison.
An international pop star becomes a secret agent in the Stars and Smoke, the first book of Marie Lu’s new YA series.